--- On Mon, 6/22/09, senator@boxer.senate.gov <senator@boxer.senate.gov> wrote:
From: senator@boxer.senate.gov
<senator@boxer.senate.gov> Subject: Responding to your message To: pinay_492001@yahoo.com Date:
Monday, June 22, 2009, 3:34 PM
Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition to proposals to increase health
insurance costs for TRICARE, the Department of Defense's health care program. I appreciate the opportunity to
respond to your comments.
I am very pleased to report that both President Obama's budget proposal and the budget resolution for
fiscal year 2010 passed by Congress contain no increases in fees and copayments for TRICARE recipients. Additionally, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates
has stated that the Department
of Defense (DOD) intends to fully fund military healthcare in the fiscal year 2010 budget.
In recent years, I have
repeatedly opposed any attempt to raise health insurance costs for the thousands of active duty service members and military
retirees who depend on the DOD for their health care. I joined with my colleagues in rejecting the Bush Administration's proposals to charge
higher fees, and I have co-sponsored legislation to prevent increases in DOD pharmacy co-payments and TRICARE fees.
I share your concern about the burden any fee increases would impose on our military families, and I remain committed to ensuring that all veterans
and their families continue to have access to quality, affordable health care.
Again, thank you for writing to me. Please do not hesitate to contact me again about this or
any other issue of concern to you. Barbara Boxer United
States Senator
Response from Representative Tauscher
Friday, January 9, 2009 2:05 PM
"ellen.tauscher@mail.house.gov" <ellen.tauscher@mail.house.gov>

2459 Rayburn HOB - Washington, D.C. 20515 - (202) 225-1880 2121 North California
Blvd. Suite 555, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 - (925) 932-8899
Dear Mr. Embry:
Thank you for sharing your support for free shipping privileges for soliders stationed
in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since the 110th Congress has adjourned, bills are
no longer being considered by the House of Representatives. However, please
know that I will keep your support for this measure in mind should it be introduced in the 111th Congress.
Correspondence from constituents like you is essential to my work in Congress, and
I hope that you will continue to inform me of your concerns. I value your input as I work to shape national policies
to reflect the views of California 's 10th
District. To learn more about what I'm doing in Washington, please visit
my website, www.tauscher.house.gov, and sign up for my e-newsletter. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact my office at 925-932-8899 or 202-225-1880.
Ellen O. Tauscher Member of Congress |
Saturday, December 27, 2008 7:39 PM
"Rally Congress" <info@rallycongress.com>
Your Letter to Congress
Maria Elizabeth, thanks for taking action on behalf of 970 WFLA radio. Your emails are on the way to Capitol Hill.
An individual copy of your letter will be sent to each official:
December 27, 2008
Representative Tauscher, Dear Senator Boxer, Dear Senator Feinstein,
ask you to join us in urging our U.S. Senators and Representatives to support the effort to pass a law that would allow for
the free mailing of letters and packages to our military personnel in the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters of operation.
Representatives Kathy Castor and Gus Bilirakis
have already committed to co-sponsoring a bill that would achieve our goal. They must get the support of the remainder of
their colleagues, particularly those in the Senate.
Families and organizations attempting to ship goods to our military
have discovered that the cost can be onerous. That should not be a factor in our attempts to make their lives more bearable
in the most trying circumstances.
Keep in mind that the members of Congress enjoy the right of free mailing, called “franking”
privileges. It is only proper that our fighting men and women who are in harm’s way be granted the same rights.
Maria Elizabeth Embry Antioch,
CA 94509-5745 | |
to your message
Friday, March 6, 2009 3:13 PM
Dear Ms. Embry:
Thank you for contacting my office to express your views on proposals to
waive postage fees for letters and packages sent to military personnel serving in overseas operations. As you may know,
the Home Front to Heroes Postal Benefits Act (H.R.707) was introduced
in the House
of Representatives on January 27, 2009. This bill would establish a program of postal benefit vouchers for
members of the Armed
Forces serving overseas or who are hospitalized
due to service-connected injuries.
I believe that all citizens should become involved in the legislative process
by letting their voices be heard, and I appreciate the time and effort that you took to share your thoughts with me.
One of the most important aspects of my job is keeping informed about the views of my constituents, and I welcome your comments
so that I may continue to represent California
to the best of my ability. Should I have the opportunity to consider legislation on this or similar issues, I will
keep your views in mind.
For additional information about my activities in the U.S. Senate, please visit my website, http://boxer.senate.gov. From this site, you can access statements and press releases that I have issued about current events and pending
legislation, request copies of legislation and government reports, and receive detailed information about the many services
that I am privileged to provide for my constituents. You may also wish to visit http://thomas.loc.gov to track current and past legislation.
Again, thank you for taking the time to share
your thoughts with me. I appreciate hearing from you.
Boxer United States Senator
Please visit my website at http://boxer.senate.gov